The Episcopal Church in Hilltown, PA


The history of Good Shepherd Church


Our Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd, told his followers: "A town built on a hill cannot be hid. You are the light of the world. Let your light shine out so the world will know the good you do and glorify God." In his Name, we prayerfully work to be the Shepherd’s Shining Little Church on the Hill. Quietly nestled in God’s creation on a wooded, seventeen-acre plot at the intersection of Route 152 and Hilltown Pike in Hilltown, PA, our parish and grounds offer a place of Christ-centered wholeness, calm and peace.

Good Shepherd had its beginnings in 1953 in the living room of a near by home where 22 people gathered for a service of Evening Prayer on the feast of the Good Shepherd, conducted by the Rev. Nathaniel B. Groton. Soon, the small congregation moved to the one-room Leidytown Schoolhouse, complete with a pot-bellied stove and outhouse. The building was purchased at auction in 1956 and the Leidytown School became the permanent home of Good Shepherd Church. Since then the physical facilities have been enlarged often, with the parishioners doing most of the work. Our modest sanctuary is a constant reminder of our humble beginnings while our modern and spacious parish house, dedicated in 1982, shows our commitment to the future and growth.